June 6, 2023
“Level Up Your Vibration”
Big world out there. None of our bottoms are big enough to create gravity. Be ready to help a brother or sister out. Sometimes you gotta be the answer to someone’s prayers. Rescued this guy from the highway service road. He/she was stuck along the guard rail. Stopped my vehicle, parked it w hazard lights, while another vehicle blocked the outer lane, giving me the opportunity to safely carry the critter into the brush.

Thinking of the turtle rescued from the freeway yesterday… it was stuck in its pattern. If it continued on its trajectory it would die or fall onto the road way below. It refused to see any other way. So the biped comes along and puts it on a new path.
When you’re stuck in your stuff… call out to the Universe for help for guidance, and be open! It may not come how you think it should come… but, come it certainly will!
Sri Guru Rama Mata.. the shakti of Satguru Keshavadas said “to manifest prayers WRITE the Taraka mantra 108 times a day for 40 days below your question or request”.
Writing or journaling brings at least a 50% increase in manifestation probability. The Taraka mantra (Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama) was chanted by Gandhiji his whole life. It is THE mantra for taking one across the ocean of Samskara.. the ocean of life and death. Or, more simply put, the pattern of lather, rinse, repeat same result, i.e. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Remember your super powers. Refuse to be the recipient of someone’s garbage. Believe in magick, the power of prayer, and the quantum world. Your ideal job, ideal life, ideal mate exists… you need to level up your vibration to draw it in.