This is for you, Daddy | SOMA

by | Aug 1, 2010 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA | 0 comments

August 2010


My dad was a tool and die salesman, and as such he was the master when it came to jokes and working with people. He never met a stranger. He paid attention to the details revealed in a conversation – to the point of remembering special dates or anniversaries. He used humor to break the ice in a meeting, working the energy to his advantage. His sense of humor spilled over to home life. I would announce: “Dad I’m going to Shelley’s! Try not to miss me too much while I’m gone!” “Hell no, Jen. I’m not that bad of a shot!” would be his common reply. Or, his favorite answer to where he was going: “to hell eventually, honey, but right now I’m going to the hardware store.” I didn’t realize the value of the incessant Henny Youngman one-liners until now. Laughter truly heals.

In 1979 Norman Cousins published his book touting laughter to being the best medicine. Today’s science continues to corroborate this finding. By reducing the stress hormones of cortisone and adrenaline, laughter lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, and improves immunity. A study on diabetics and laughter found that their blood sugars rise more slowly when a meal is ingested at a comedy show vs. the same meal in a normal setting. A hundred good belly laughs is equal to 30 minutes of exercise. Laboratory studies have also found the converse to be true: that stress kills. HIV patients under duress have poorer CD4 count and function. Also more heart attacks occur on Monday morning between 6-10am than any other time of the week.

Robin Williams TBT Minister of Healing via Laughter
Here’s a TBT. God bless you, Robin Williams, for your service as a Minister of Healing via Laughter.

All of these observations of how laughter can heal make perfect sense when one considers that thoughts are chemical messages. These messages cross the blood brain barrier and enter the blood circulation, allowing for far and wide consequences of one’s cerebrations.

What I would like to do is to break the word ‘laugh’ down further and show on another level how it works metaphysically. When there is true laughter at someone’s foible or something such as a cat being amused by the flow of water in a toilet, a child doing something silly, or even a humorous moment regarding a social faux pas there exists a moment in space and time during which all judgment is suspended. In a room of chuckling folk there is no laughing only by the whites, or by the Jews, or by the poor. If a child in a waiting area at a doctor’s office says or does something funny everyone is cackling and there exists a moment of bonding, of oneness within that group. There is a love of life and of one another as everyone revisits how the child did that stunt. There is a moment of unconditional love for all involved. In that moment of unconditional love healing begins. This very phenomenon begets my analysis of the word ‘laugh’: Loving All Unconditionally Gives Healing.

Nice concept, not easy to accomplish. We are conditioned in the US to “fight” for freedom, against drugs, against crime, against the scale. (Damn that thing anyway)! We have a war on this, that, and the other thing. Want to watch your life insurance premium drop? Drive in Dallas at rush hour! Good grief there are some angry people!!

So what I propose as a solution to blocks in love are some mantras. Again mantras work with energy; they do not require one to change their religious faith. Anger, hate, fear, and love are all emotions. Emotions are energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another. Here we go!!

Aham prema……I am Divine Love. If we reconnect with our inner “God spark” we make our inner light shine more brightly. Where there is light, darkness cannot exist. Instead of looking at disgust at a ‘gang banger’ we can smile and know that they need love too.

Shante Prashante Sarva Krodha Upashamani Swaha…Peace, Supreme peace. Please remove this anger from me and return it to me in an energy form that serves my higher good. I love this one. Oh to deal with a former spouse!! ‘I never forgave you for what you did eight years ago!!’ Blah, blah, blah. After my remark that it must take a lot of work to stay that riled up, I walked away and muttered my mantra. Years ago I would’ve gone toe to toe into the wee hours of the night arguing. Why waste my life force? Now when we fight I say talk with you later, and I work my mantra. Amazing how the wrinkles go.

And finally the caveat to the one above: Shante Prashante Sarva Bhaya Upashamani Swaha. Same essence but this time we are transforming fear. Oh that is a biggie!! How many of us stay in a dead end relationship out of fear? Fear of the unknown, fear of losing cash, fear of what the kids will think, fear of what family will think—fear immobilizes!! It keeps life’s opportunities at bay. As for the kids, I promise you they are happier if you are happier. Talk about learning about life and relationships from a twelve year old. My daughter is amazing. How blessed I am.

Use the power of sound and mantra to transform the random negative thoughts that come in and allow love to reign. When you go to the grocery store tell a joke or say something witty to the cashier. Have a good laugh. And remember my acronym LAUGH: Loving All Unconditionally Gives Healing.

Shanti and prem (Divine love and peace),
Jennifer ~ AdiMa

Go to the GYM | SOMA

Boyfriend/ girlfriend showing their ass? Coworkers being turds? Life upside down to you? Go to the GYM. It’s an acronym. God, Youth, Mental.

Mars in Cancer (Reel) | SOMA

Life is a balance. Be the solution to someone’s problem. To survive we must learn to swim together.

Level Up Your Vibration | SOMA

Don’t get stuck in your stuff… Call out to the Universe for help and guidance and be open to it! Writing it down helps manifestation. Level up your vibration to draw it in.


We are coming up on the Autumn Equinox and Pagan holiday of Mabon, the time of year when the time of day and night is equal. In reflection, healthcare has changed drastically the last 2 1/2 years. It’s time for people to step up and start taking care of themselves.

Om is Where the Love is | SOMA

We know stress kills. Experiments with DNA, our blueprint for life, shows that DNA curls or unfurls in response to our emotions of stress vs. being at peace. Some grid of energy must exist within and around us. We must set ego aside and operate from own divine selves. This can be done through mantras.

BRA Resolution | SOMA

Time again for New Year Resolutions to improve something – weight loss, saving money, spending time meditating, etc… I encourage doing something daring – get a BRA: Best Friend, Reality Check, and Awareness of a Higher Power. Invest in having/being a true friend. Take inventory of your blessings, become humble, get to know the Divine.

Dr. Zen Jen is Now In | SOMA

With all the hubbub about socialized medicine I offer my concerns/advice. Emphasis is being placed on personal responsibility regarding health habits when it comes to obesity. Genetics, home environment, and MSG are tops in this multifactorial problem. To survive this healthcare challenge: only eat when hungry, exercise, avoid MSG/HFCS, rest, and read/do something spiritual daily.

Ramblings on a Warm Summer Eve | SOMA

How many freedoms have we relinquished in favor of big government? Many are jumping on board the proposed overhaul of our health care system without thought of what all it entails. No one wants our healthcare all government run. Physicians can only coach health and lifestyle adjustments. Patients need to take personal responsibility for themselves.

Swine Flu | SOMA

Swine/H1N1 flu: government hype or real concern? Through DISR, one is trained to dig for the original/root cause of the dis-ease and I can see thoughtforms/actions that helped make this disease manifest. All animal Totems have positive and negative qualities. Where in your life are you fat and sloppy? Honor the temple/body God granted you.

You Call it Easter, I Call it Ostara | SOMA

How do bunnies and eggs relate to the resurrection of The Christ? Pre-Christian movement, pagan tribes worshipped the land and the Gods/Goddesses for health, wealth, good crops, and happiness. To win the minds of these tribes the Church needed to demonstrate similarities between the native ideology and the one that they were trying to assimilate.

You are the Tower of Power Needed This Hour | SOMA

Eclipses are times of change represented by the two astrological signs involved. Aquarius/Leo represents what’s good for many versus what’s good for me. This eclipse asks us to examine how we can think outside of ourselves and be of true service. Leo is self-love and self-import. Aquarius is about the highest/greatest good for all.

What is Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission? | SOMA

Divine Intervention Spontaneous Healing (DISR/DI) is an energy healing modality used by the ancient Mayans, and still used by the Curanderos in Central America, brought to the US by Starr Fuentes who studied with them for three years. If you are familiar with Reiki, DI is more intense, consisting of 144 healing rays vs. 1.

Taking the Old Out of Auld Lang Syne | SOMA

Another year older and wiser, we gather and review the year’s events with family and friends. Let’s focus on ways to slow down “the clock”. Inflammation increases one’s risk for cancer and infection. Supplements such as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Thyroid Replacement Therapy, DHEA, EPA/DHA, Resveratrol, and Vitamin D3, along with exercise can help.

Sir, is that a fly in my soup? | SOMA

Texas sure has a lot of bugs. Every year once critter or another has a bumper crop. This year, it is fleas, which represent dead energy. It’s interesting this comes at the time of Halloween or Samhain, a time to honor the dead. Associations with astrological signs Scorpio and Pisces deals with death/transformation and procreation/creation.

Take in a Deep Breath and Relax | SOMA

While Mercury is in retrograde, causing mayhem in the world of communication, energy work can still be done to mitigate its affects. It’s a time to review and revamp. Utilizing prayer and mantras you can sooth unbalanced thought forms and work with the energies to manifest your desires with the help of Laksmi and Ganesh.

What the Heck is Goin On Here? | SOMA

Typical after an eclipse, and we just endured two, a lot of “stuff” is going on in the world lately. First (solar) eclipse was in the astrological constellation of Leo and focuses upon self-worth. You are worthy! Second (lunar) eclipse was in Aquarius and focuses upon revolution – group consciousness, awareness, and achievement of Utopia.

The Attitude of Gratitude | SOMA

We create our own reality by choosing our focus. Dwell on negativity and that is what you will attract. Quit being a victim of your thoughts. Change your thoughtforms. See what is right with your life. Watch how your life transforms as you take control, empower yourself. Love yourself enough to soar with the eagles.


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