What the Heck is Goin On Here? | SOMA

by | Sep 1, 2008 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA | 0 comments

September 2008


Wow there is a lot of ‘stuff’ going on in the world of late. This is rather typical after an eclipse. We just endured two eclipses – the 1st and the 16th of August and intermixed was the power day of 8-8-08.

Firstly, eclipses are a time of change – great change. The ancients would fear the time around an eclipse – hey, we are all creatures of habit. And if the ancients were alive today they would have reason to look carefully at these eclipses as they are particularly powerful.

On the 1st of August we had an eclipse in the astrological constellation of Leo. Ahh Leo the lion – here him roar!! And that is exactly what the eclipse focused upon: self worth – not over exaggerated narcissism, but true self worth. Leo is ruled by the Sun – your essence. Are you worthy of a true love? of a better job? of more than enough cash to be comfortable? YES YOU ARE WORTHY!!! We live in a culture that denigrates those who are not “perfect” in size, shape, intellect, look, cash flow, etc. But “perfect” lives in the future; it is an unobtainable goal. Rather the “perfect” goal would be to achieve happiness in the here and now, speak your truth and be impeccable in all of your thoughts, words and deeds. As a child of Spirit each and every one of us is worthy of all the goodies the Universe has to offer. Leo the Lion’s eclipse taught us to see our “Godspark” and know that we are more than good enough.

Eclipses come in pairs – one a solar eclipse (the new moon) and the other the lunar eclipse (full moon). On August 16th we had an Aquarian full moon and lunar eclipse. I hear the song “the age of Aquarius, the age of Aquarius, AQUARIUS!!” Ok I will stop singing; the hearing impaired have asked me to keep to my day job. The constellation of Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus – revolution – ooh! another song is coming on – “you say you want a revolution well ya know… we all would love to change the world…” Dang! They cut off the mic! Back to writing.

Aquarius has to do with group consciousness, group awareness, achievement of Utopia. It’s about achieving world peace, ending hunger, ending discord and war, ending poverty, everyone getting along – learning from one another. So many have wanted to achieve these goals but they get stuck in the enormity of the task. How can I save the world? What difference could I ever make? The answer: a lot. We are interconnected energetically to everyone and everything. Like a pebble dropped into a pond – the waves go on and on. If each of us does our part in our little corner of the world, the only possible outcome is change of the present paradigm.

But wait! If you act now! You can get the super duper magick accelerator power day of 8-8-08 intermixed! And yes, in between the eclipses sat 8-8-08. A power day beyond compare – in many ways. The Universe is orderly and mathematical. The number eight has to do with power, manifesting goals. And when one looks at other aspects of this day it makes even more sense. The moon on that day was in Scorpio – a time for transformation. When one takes a look at the numbers 8-8-2008 and adds them linearly we get 26 and 2 + 6 = 8. Another “oomph!”, if you will, in the power.

Bringing in the Kabbalah sheds more light on the subject. The Kabbalah is mystical Judaism. It is a book that truly teaches one to be truly empowered, to live life magically by manifesting your desires. It is also known as the tree of life – a path for man/woman to reach enlightenment and reunite with Yahweh, God, Spirit. It consists of ten sephirot (ideas/attributes) and twenty-two paths to get from Earth to “Heaven”. Each path has its own lesson/goal that must be mastered to move on to the next level. Interestingly, the twenty-two paths of the Kabbalah are named by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And these same letters are the subsections of Psalm 119 in the Bible. The twenty-two letters also relate to the twenty-two major arcana of the Tarot. Drawn in 3D, the letters placed end to end would make a double helix – the same shape as that of DNA. The numbers on the Kabbalah go one through ten for the sephirot and eleven thru thirty-two for the paths. Eight on the Kabbalah is the Sephira Hod – Mercury – the mind – one’s thought processes. Taking the 8th Tarot card (the Strength card) on the Kabbalah we have Teth – the heart, transformation of one’s passions (it is represented by a snake). And finally, taking the number twenty-six on the Kabbalah we have Ayin, the Devil – what holds one back, one’s fears, the darkness before the dawn. Putting the Kabbalistic info all together it tells us: bring your head and your heart into alignment, rise above your fears and be one with Spirit and the Universe by creating the magickal life you deserve to live.

The final bonus here: you did not miss the boat. We can still ride on this energy until the next set of eclipses which will be in another five months.

In closing I would liken the present energy as opportunity knocking. If I had to tag a song to the energy (big confession here I was a DJ in college) it would be Lose Yourself by Eminem. In that melody he talks about digging down past his fears and going for his goal. Shoot high! Aim for that job! that relationship! Do your part for world peace and preservation. There is no time like the present to begin.

Jennifer ~ AdiMa

Go to the GYM | SOMA

Boyfriend/ girlfriend showing their ass? Coworkers being turds? Life upside down to you? Go to the GYM. It’s an acronym. God, Youth, Mental.

Mars in Cancer (Reel) | SOMA

Life is a balance. Be the solution to someone’s problem. To survive we must learn to swim together.

Level Up Your Vibration | SOMA

Don’t get stuck in your stuff… Call out to the Universe for help and guidance and be open to it! Writing it down helps manifestation. Level up your vibration to draw it in.


We are coming up on the Autumn Equinox and Pagan holiday of Mabon, the time of year when the time of day and night is equal. In reflection, healthcare has changed drastically the last 2 1/2 years. It’s time for people to step up and start taking care of themselves.

This is for you, Daddy | SOMA

Laughter truly heals. Thoughts are chemical messages that cross the blood brain barrier, allowing for consequences of one’s celebrations. Breaking the word “laugh” down shows how it works metaphysically. Loving All Unconditionally Gives Healing. As a solution to blocks in love there are Mantras to help change the energy from one form to another.

Om is Where the Love is | SOMA

We know stress kills. Experiments with DNA, our blueprint for life, shows that DNA curls or unfurls in response to our emotions of stress vs. being at peace. Some grid of energy must exist within and around us. We must set ego aside and operate from own divine selves. This can be done through mantras.

BRA Resolution | SOMA

Time again for New Year Resolutions to improve something – weight loss, saving money, spending time meditating, etc… I encourage doing something daring – get a BRA: Best Friend, Reality Check, and Awareness of a Higher Power. Invest in having/being a true friend. Take inventory of your blessings, become humble, get to know the Divine.

Dr. Zen Jen is Now In | SOMA

With all the hubbub about socialized medicine I offer my concerns/advice. Emphasis is being placed on personal responsibility regarding health habits when it comes to obesity. Genetics, home environment, and MSG are tops in this multifactorial problem. To survive this healthcare challenge: only eat when hungry, exercise, avoid MSG/HFCS, rest, and read/do something spiritual daily.

Ramblings on a Warm Summer Eve | SOMA

How many freedoms have we relinquished in favor of big government? Many are jumping on board the proposed overhaul of our health care system without thought of what all it entails. No one wants our healthcare all government run. Physicians can only coach health and lifestyle adjustments. Patients need to take personal responsibility for themselves.

Swine Flu | SOMA

Swine/H1N1 flu: government hype or real concern? Through DISR, one is trained to dig for the original/root cause of the dis-ease and I can see thoughtforms/actions that helped make this disease manifest. All animal Totems have positive and negative qualities. Where in your life are you fat and sloppy? Honor the temple/body God granted you.

You Call it Easter, I Call it Ostara | SOMA

How do bunnies and eggs relate to the resurrection of The Christ? Pre-Christian movement, pagan tribes worshipped the land and the Gods/Goddesses for health, wealth, good crops, and happiness. To win the minds of these tribes the Church needed to demonstrate similarities between the native ideology and the one that they were trying to assimilate.

You are the Tower of Power Needed This Hour | SOMA

Eclipses are times of change represented by the two astrological signs involved. Aquarius/Leo represents what’s good for many versus what’s good for me. This eclipse asks us to examine how we can think outside of ourselves and be of true service. Leo is self-love and self-import. Aquarius is about the highest/greatest good for all.

What is Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission? | SOMA

Divine Intervention Spontaneous Healing (DISR/DI) is an energy healing modality used by the ancient Mayans, and still used by the Curanderos in Central America, brought to the US by Starr Fuentes who studied with them for three years. If you are familiar with Reiki, DI is more intense, consisting of 144 healing rays vs. 1.

Taking the Old Out of Auld Lang Syne | SOMA

Another year older and wiser, we gather and review the year’s events with family and friends. Let’s focus on ways to slow down “the clock”. Inflammation increases one’s risk for cancer and infection. Supplements such as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Thyroid Replacement Therapy, DHEA, EPA/DHA, Resveratrol, and Vitamin D3, along with exercise can help.

Sir, is that a fly in my soup? | SOMA

Texas sure has a lot of bugs. Every year once critter or another has a bumper crop. This year, it is fleas, which represent dead energy. It’s interesting this comes at the time of Halloween or Samhain, a time to honor the dead. Associations with astrological signs Scorpio and Pisces deals with death/transformation and procreation/creation.

Take in a Deep Breath and Relax | SOMA

While Mercury is in retrograde, causing mayhem in the world of communication, energy work can still be done to mitigate its affects. It’s a time to review and revamp. Utilizing prayer and mantras you can sooth unbalanced thought forms and work with the energies to manifest your desires with the help of Laksmi and Ganesh.

The Attitude of Gratitude | SOMA

We create our own reality by choosing our focus. Dwell on negativity and that is what you will attract. Quit being a victim of your thoughts. Change your thoughtforms. See what is right with your life. Watch how your life transforms as you take control, empower yourself. Love yourself enough to soar with the eagles.


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