by Jennifer Laing | Jul 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
July 2009 “SWINE FLU” Yes I did say that I would write about the Universal Laws, but I had a feeling that something far more important was on the horizon. Here it is: the swine flu or H1N1 flu. Not sure how much is government hype vs. real deal concern,...
by Jennifer Laing | Apr 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
April 2009 “YOU CALL IT EASTER! I CALL IT OSTARA! BUT WE STILL GOTTA COLOR DEM EGGS!” Growing up Catholic there were many things I didn’t understand about religion. Why did Mom have to pay $500 (1970 economy) to Father Jeremy at St Mary’s...
by Jennifer Laing | Mar 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
March 2009 “YOU ARE THE ‘TOWER OF POWER’ NEEDED THIS HOUR!” Ok, this time we are going to talk about the eclipses. Eclipses herald times of change. And how pertinent can that be right about now? With each eclipse we have a dichotomy represented...
by Jennifer Laing | Feb 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
February 2009 “WHAT EXACTLY IS DIVINE INTERVENTION SPONTANEOUS REMISSION?” Boy that is a question I field frequently. Most people are familiar with Reiki, which is a great healing modality; heck, I teach it too! But Divine Intervention Spontaneous...
by Jennifer Laing | Jan 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
January 2009 “TAKING THE OLD OUT OF AULD LANG SYNE” With the holiday hub-bub in full swing people are gathering with family and friends to recant the year’s events. And with this comes the inevitable realization that one is another year older –...
by Jennifer Laing | Nov 1, 2008 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
November 2008 “SIR, IS THAT A FLY IN MY SOUP?” Since I have lived in Texas I have learned to appreciate the world of “more than four legs”. Good grief! Do we have bugs! Every year one critter or another has a bumper crop. One year we had grasshoppers so...