by Jennifer Laing | Oct 4, 2023 | Musings, SOMA
October 4, 2023 “Go to the GYM” Boyfriend/ girlfriend showing their ass? Go to the GYM. Coworkers being turds? Go to the GYM. Life upside down to you? Go to the GYM. EXERCISE ALL THE TIME? meh…sorta. it’s an acronym. God…put Him first...
by Jennifer Laing | Nov 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
November 2009 “DR. ZEN JEN IS NOW IN” With all the hub-bub about socialized medicine or whatever we are going to call this new modality there are some concerns/advice I would like to offer. This is with the disclaimer that I have not read the bill. But...
by Jennifer Laing | Oct 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
October 2009 “RAMBLINGS ON A WARM SUMMER EVE” As the country celebrates our independence from Britain I look about and see how many of our freedoms we have relinquished in favor of big government. While I do believe in helping others it seems almost...
by Jennifer Laing | Jul 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
July 2009 “SWINE FLU” Yes I did say that I would write about the Universal Laws, but I had a feeling that something far more important was on the horizon. Here it is: the swine flu or H1N1 flu. Not sure how much is government hype vs. real deal concern,...
by Jennifer Laing | Jan 1, 2009 | Newsletter Archive, SOMA
January 2009 “TAKING THE OLD OUT OF AULD LANG SYNE” With the holiday hub-bub in full swing people are gathering with family and friends to recant the year’s events. And with this comes the inevitable realization that one is another year older –...