by Jennifer Laing | Oct 4, 2023 | Musings, SOMA
October 4, 2023 “Go to the GYM” Boyfriend/ girlfriend showing their ass? Go to the GYM. Coworkers being turds? Go to the GYM. Life upside down to you? Go to the GYM. EXERCISE ALL THE TIME? meh…sorta. it’s an acronym. God…put Him first...
by Jennifer Laing | Jun 15, 2023 | Musings, SOMA
June 15, 2023 “Mars in Cancer (Reel)” Life is a balance… an ebb and flow… of interdependence. Be the solution to someone’s problem… even if it is to lend an ear. Now… how do I get these boatmen back into the ocean? We behave...
by Jennifer Laing | Jun 6, 2023 | Musings, SOMA
June 6, 2023 “Level Up Your Vibration” Big world out there. None of our bottoms are big enough to create gravity. Be ready to help a brother or sister out. Sometimes you gotta be the answer to someone’s prayers. Rescued this guy from the highway...