Exhibit @ Wellness Expo in Grapevine, TX

Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St, Grapevine, TX, United States

Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD will be at the Wellness Expo in Grapevine, Texas with her School Of Mystical Awakening exhibit.  She will be doing energy balancing sessions, at some pretty special rates, so be sure to stop on by her booth!


Sunday Talk @ Wellness Expo in Grapevine, TX

Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St, Grapevine, TX, United States

Learn how to manage the stress and duress so you can survive and thrive. Discover how to put on your own oxygen mask and navigate through the turbulence  surrounding us so you can come out on top in mind, body, & spirit.


Reiki Rhomboid Revival

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States

The Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces conjunction hasn't happened since the 1800s. Where will this bless you? What aspect of your life will receive Divine kisses? Come with birth data, an open heart to receive and sew the seeds for a prosperous year! Love donations graciously accepted.

Sunday Talk @ Wellness Expo in Wichita, TX

Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall 1002 5th St., Wichita Falls, TX, United States

Dr. Laing will discuss how we are affected by the energy of the people and things around us and how this manifests in our body. She will offer tips on how to optimize our health.


Wesak Fest / Karma Busting

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States

Wesak is known as Buddha day. It is a time of the coming together of the Christ and The Buddha to bring peace to all of Earth's inhabitants. With the lunar eclipse it is also a day to bust thru some major karma. Join us as we chant for health. wealth and joy for all and we release the old and dysfunctional. In with the good...out with the bad. Light snacks and refreshments served. Love donation.

Love Donation

SOMA – Healing Circle – June 26, 2022

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States

Been going thru transformation at home! As are we all in some area of our lives. A literal flood washed away years of stuff! Back to weekly Reiki circles Sunday June 26th at 9am.

Love Donation

Sunday morning muses

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States
Love Donation

Exhibit @ Wellness Expo in Grapevine, TX

Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St, Grapevine, TX, United States

Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD will be at the Wellness Expo in Grapevine, Texas with her School Of Mystical Awakening exhibit.


Sunday Talk @ Wellness Expo in Grapevine, TX

Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St, Grapevine, TX, United States

Light Language 1 - Lions, Tigers, and COVID, OH MY! How to keep emotional and physical balance in a world that thrives on fear.

Reiki Circle

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States

Well begun is half done. Start your month energized with the Reiki energy to make the most of September.

Love Donation

Healing Circle September 11, 2022

School Of Mystical Awakening (SOMA) 4708 Flanary Road, Sherman, TX, United States

Next gathering is IN PERSON and it will be outside by the pool weather permitting or on patio. MAJOR healing work next Sunday September 11 2022. 9am. Love donation. Look forward to seeing everyone!

Love Donation